The purplish cape and red shirt and yellow-trimmed socks are your immediate clues that this is the Green Lantern. The old Green Lantern, not the green-and-black one. Harley's got that sexy-librarian thing going for her, but you have to wonder about the wisdom of showing up at a beauty pageant as "Miss Underworld." You're not going to win, because there's no way they can be sure you'll make all your personal appearances. And if you do, you'll steal silverware on the way out. The authorities could easily follow her back to her Lair, too, and bust the Henchmen. No, it's better to go with Miss Gotham City. Ingenous outfit, but you could imagine her primping the night before and thinking, well, the incredibly short shirt and cleavage-port should do it, and dying my hair white is a nice youch, and the Mme. Pompadour beauty mark is a nice nod to 18th century conventions, but it needs something else. Like a blood-red feather from a freakishly large bird.

Where is this contest being held, by the way? At the town dump? Are the judges standing in a trench?