DEDICATED TO THE ERADICATION OF CRIME! It's nice to have a goal, but if that's really what drives you, I'd chose another medium. Unless they were serious, and Lev Gleason periodically emerged from his office and barked "Does crime still exist?"
"Yes, boss."
"Damn! Double the press run!"
These types of criminals shouldn't be hard to eradicate, really; walking around with a coffin is a sure way to get the bulls' attention, unless you've paid them off too.
Nice bar construction: the beer taps open over the ice bin.
Nice help from Joey "Purple" Palance: If he doesn't want to buy, don't push him! Soemtimes a guy just don't want the product, and pushin' don't help. Let him come to us. See, I read this book, and you got to make the customer think he wants to do somethin', not cause he has to. Anyway Kirby's starting to stink.
"Kirby" is probably a sly little nod to Jack, don't you think? Maybe this was a warning. Stop being so good, or something might happen. |