The captions make many assertions, don't they. That's happiness? Depends on who you married, and whether he or she is sober enough to enjoy the night, or whether he or she picked a fight with in-laws and disappeared for two hours with old friends and called from a bar in town insisting he’d been kidnapped, and he’d be back soon, start the water goin’, hon.
Yes, it's the blue room, reversed. On the other hand, thelittle alcove has a phone. A white phone. A white Princess phone. I’m calling you from a circular bed, Gwen! No, he’s in the bathroom. Yes, it was great, I wish you’d been able to come! Anyway I’m in a round bed with stone trim on the bottom and a phone right here. And there’s a whiteboard on the wall so I can diagram the rest of our lives! This place is just wicked.