It's foil, hence the peculiar scan. The text at the top says "New Thrills / Fewer Fills." I think there's enough brands here - Republic, Delta Oil, Miller Tires, and of course Gargoyle Mobiloil's "Delta Stations." The assertion that it's "Dependable for over a quarter of a century" is interesting - Mobil was formed from Socony - Vacuum, which changed its name in 1955. So 25 years after that would be . . . 1980. And this is not a 1980 matchbook.
Hmm. Well, Mobil's homepage says the Gargoyle brand was first used in 1904, so maybe that makes this a 1929 match? Perhaps: Gargoyle Mobiloil was first used in 1931, when Socony and Vacuum merged. Mystery solved.
