
Costlier Ingredients? If that doesn’t make the product leap off the shelf, consider this: years of experience.
This is experienced spaghetti.
One of the brand names was Lincoln - as you can see in this delivery truck. I don’t think the brand is still around. More history:
. . . . But the town persevered, was rebuilt, and continued to draw newcomers to the area, one of which was a man named Peter Rossi, from Italy. Arriving in the late 1870s, Rossi began manufacturing macaroni and in 1898, purchased the old Broadbent Hotel which housed a full fledged factory.
Soon, he would move on to operate a bakery just off Division Street, and son Stephen opened the Stephen Rossi Saloon in 1912, selling beer for a nickel a pail. The successful saloon would have continued on, but prohibition put it out of business in 1919.
When Route 66 ran through town, the Rossi family saw opportunity once more and built a grocery store, service station, restaurant and a pair of motor courts right alongside the Mother Road. In 1927 they erected a dance hall that did a thriving business until it was destroyed by fire in 1935.
