
The Marlborough-Blenheim was named after Blenheim, the manor of the Duke of Marlborough. Come an' sue us, limey! Finished in 1906, it was the first Atlantic City hotel to have a bathroom in every room, so guests could now throw up in private after a meal of questionable shellfish.
The height of luxury in its day, it was tired and old by the time “The King of Marvin Gardens” was shot on its premises in 1971. The M-B was imploded in 1978 in a spectacular explosion that collapsed time and space, sucking 37 busloads of blue-haired ladies from Queens into its vortex.
Josiah White, incidentally, built the pile, and his grandson sold it. The daughter of Josiah #1, Elizabeth, was the first person to successfully cultivate blueberries.
Demolished in 1979.
