
Don't think they just sold blank books. As this page puts it:
The wholesale paper business has been an important factor in the commercial growth of Utica and the name of Bowes Brothers is inseparably identified with this branch of activity. The firm has been in existence for thirty-five years and on account of its prompt and reliable methods it has gained high standing throughout the state and enjoys a liberal patronage. Henry Lambert Bowes, the eldest of the brothers, was born at Oriskany, New York, March 1, 1861, and he is a son of John R. and Eliza (Churchill) Bowes, both of whom came to America from England and early in life settled at Oriskany.
A family portrait is here. As for Nibroc: that was the first brand of paper towel, invented by a fellow named William E. Corbin. What does the name mean? The answer is staring your right in the face. Or right in the ecaf, if you wish.
