If you're wondering whether that boneless, misshapen lump of an Italian caricature had a name, he did: Pete. He was drawn by one of the founder's frat brothers.
Find me a human being whose nose is on the same level as his head and is also above his eyes. Find me one.
I'll bet this one of the first matchbooks I collected, and dates from my time working the Pizza Huts in Fargo and St. Louis Park. They were incredibly popular when they moved into the market, because . . . oh, I don't know. Maybe the crust was softer and puffier. Fargo pizza in its original form was cracker-crust thin. These places just laid waste to the mom-and-pop stores.
I enjoyed being a Pizza Hut waiter. Had a uniform; got tips; had purpose; ate pizza. Taught me everything I knew about the trade, and I would take it to the Valli in 1978.
Wonder if I gave two weeks' notice. I hope so, but if not, they were probably used to it.
