
Says a story in the Middletown Times-Herald Record in the summer of 06:
"The Italian restaurant at 362 Broadway is the type of place old timers think of when they talk about how Newburgh used to be.
It's been called Luigi's, Chianti, and most recently, Frontera's. For decades, it's been a watering hole for political and civic types, and an enduring pocket of Italian America."
Contemporary websearches indicate it's now "Frontera's Chianti Restaurant." With the same phone number, which seems a remarkable achievement these days. I can't find much about Frank, but he died before his wife, who passed in 02; her name was Nina, and she came over from Italy in '50 at the age of 19. She married Frank in '53, and they ran the restaurant. Four kids, six grandkids, three great-grandkids.
You can smell the sauce in those few details, can't you? Wonderful rich sauce.
