
Wherever you go or wherever you are or whoever you are or whatever you do, consume this fluid! Still available, of course. Has nothing to do with Poland the country. It’s a city in Maine. If that structure seems like an odd-looking factory, here’s an explanation from wikipedia:
"Jabez Ricker had bought land in 1794 and two days later travelers knocked on the door asking for breakfast. Repeated requests by other travelers led him to open an inn called the Mansion House in 1797. In 1844, Jabez's grandson, Hiram Ricker, drank a lot of the spring water and became convinced that it had cured him of chronic dyspepsia. The inn had grown to a resort, and his discussions with guests led them to also praise the drinking water. In this period, it was quite fashionable to "take the waters" for almost all illnesses, causing an uptick in business. The Rickers soon began bottling the water. The inn grew into a significant resort in the late 19th and early 20th century, but the Ricker family lost control of the company during the 1930s."
It's the largest-selling bottled water in the country today.
