This is an exercise in selective editing. We're going to take one look at Ft. Dodge this week, and another look later.
Someone lost his hat:
The Garmoe Building, constructed by a "pioneer resident" in 1896. (Source next week, for reasons I'll explain. It looks raw and abandoned. Across the street, a sign for appliances with the old Frigidaire logo - an F with a crown.
I spent the first ten years of my life not knowning that Frigidaire was supposed to mean something very fridge-specific.
Another view, with the ghost.
This is one of the biggest Carnegie libraries I've ever seen:
2008 news story: "The old Fort Dodge library that was a magnet for generations of readers is about to become a place where people will eat, sleep, and, yes, curl up with a good book.
"Mike Doyle, of Fort Dodge, just bought the landmark at 605 First Ave. N. and revealed plans to turn it into a nine-unit apartment building."
Of course. It was built in 1903, but the second story was added 26 years later.

All I know about this: made in 1908. Also, painted. Also, the second floor was for people who'd spent a long time in jail and had become used to small window.s
The lower floor got a post-war makeover, complete with fake brick and big windows. The upstairs just had to grin and bear it.

This one looks like it was in a hailstorm. For ten straight years.
A lesson in the ways of old architecture: polychromatic stone gave life ot the street. The green paint on top suggests it spent a few decades in verdant hues, and was liberated by a good sandblasting.
Ground floor mysteries: two indented areas that looked like doors or windows, and then got downsized and turned into smaller windows, which got bricked up. In the case of the one on the left, it was cut in half and bricked up.
There had to be reasons.

The 30s wasn't the first time minimalism was equated with modernism, you know.
Board up all the windows save one, lads - we might need some air later.

Here's a surprise.
Taller than you might expect, eh? I think the top floor was added later, because they really needed another floor.

The tenant may have changed, but it'll always be the rear entrance.
It's from this.
Do you feel as if you got a good take on Ft. Dodge? No peeking on Google, now. Next week we'll look at it again.