Fourteen thousand souls. The Nursery Capital of the World, due to the number of places where flowers are grown: over 700.
To paraphrase the song: something happened here. What it was, we’re not exactly clear.
A lot of the town has reverted to its original state, if you judge from this. There’s an era in a town’s growth where a fire isn’t fatal, but actually spurs a new era - old wood buildings replaced quickly with brick structures, a sense of pride and grit expressed in the new structures. But let four, five decades pass, and a lot of these places don’t bounce back. Something burns, or becomes unstable, and it’s gone with no replacement. Just a scar.

The W.H. and Edgar Madness Library:
A rather thick history, here. It says that W.H. Magness put up the money for the first permanent library in 1931. Edgar isn’t mentioned in the history at all.
In any case, it’s a building at odds with the first picture, no? You can’t judge based on one or two. That’s why we’re making our snap judgment after 14 pictures.

The Regal Begal.
Doesn’t seem to be a going concern, but there’s something else that deserves attention.
Dinty Moore! Your first name in hash.
Why? Named after the character in the “Bringing Up Father” comic strip?
Nice sign, though. You wonder if the Hormel company nixes any attempt to open a restaurant that takes advantage of the existing signage.

The seventies called, they want NOTHING BACK. Because they are ASHAMED.
Bank, of course. That, or a public service building.

Not the original name. I can guess what happened: a big store went out - a five-and-dime chain, maybe - and they put in small spaces for small local retailers who sold books and candles and stationery, and it limped along until everyone left and it was an embarrassing reminder of declining fortunes.
The term “arcade” used to mean shopping centers, but transitioned to video-game palaces for a while. That’s the usage I still have in my head, even though I know better.

Who owns the Gro around here?
Nice sign; a repaint of an old sign. Dugan’s is gone.

An original, unmolested Pure Oil station in its storybook-house style.
Always seemed like an odd choice of architectural vernaculars.

Planters! Planters and patterned sidewalks. That’ll bring ‘em back.
Works every time.
Every time.

Don’t forget the authentic streetlights, which probably replaced the ghastly gooseneck things you put up in the early 50s, bathing everything in florescent light.

Sometimes even a Potemkin facade would be better. Whatever urban energy the Main Street manages to generate just evaporates when it comes to corners like this.

Aw, dammit:
No, hold on - it’s been restored since the Google cameras went past.
Cinema Treasures:
The Park Theater was opened October 18, 1939 by the Cumberland Amusement Co. a subsidiary of the Nashville based Crescent Amusement Co. On September 17, 1947 it suffered a disastrous fire at the stage end of the building. It was renovated and reopened July 18, 1948. It was closed in 1986, and the theater stood vacant for many years
One comment made me snort: Huh?
it closed the second week of September in 1986, the cartoon movie Transformers being the last images on the massive screen. Our Park Theatre Group is currently working to restore the Neo-Classical styled Park Theatre into a multi-purpose facility that retains the best of its heritage while offering a venue for live events as well as classic movies or other on screen efforts.
Neo-classical styled?
Have a look around and see if I missed anything. I usually do. |