Three thousand souls - and that seems drastically insufficient for the architecture you’re about to see.
Ohhhhhh yeah:
And it’s lit up at night, too.

Opened as the Roxy in 1936; changed to the Utah in the 50s, perhaps because the name fit on the marquee.
More photos here. The interior seems the least of it.

Nice clean renovation: a boon to any downtown.
“The president jumped out of the window in ’29, and we closed it up out of his memory.”

The outside doesn’t match the interior splendor:
The website says:
The theatre was built in 1923 after the original Thatcher Opera House burned in 1912, with a recent restoration to its original splendor in 1991. The Ellen Eccles Theatre is home to the largest full-production stage north of Salt Lake City.
It had the usual story:
By the 1980s, the Capitol Theatre had suffered from years of neglect. The ornate plasterwork had been painted industrial green, burlap sacks covered the stunning murals portraying the mythical phoenix bird, and a massive plywood wall blocked the stage. Some spoke of demolishing the building to provide additional parking

More great script signage. I’m rapidly growing quite fond of this place.
It had better light up.

Old J. R. was slightly deaf, and tended to shout his words:
From the Logan historical page:
Here in 1895, at what was Logan’s nest saloon and billiard hall, the president of the agricultural college of Utah confronted proprietor Edwards because students from his college were frequenting the premises. After an exchange of stinging letters, president Joshua paul took action and after entering the hall was struck on the back of the head by one J.R. Edwards. after being ned $5 for assault, Edwards did post notices to exclude minors and President Paul returned to his more mundane duties on college Hill.

Don’t know if it was a bank, but it wanted to be.
It’s the corner position that makes it seem banky, as well as the vague suggestion of columns.

It’s so clean. Everything is so clean.
Even the trees, for once, seem apt. And you know how I feel about the tree-planting-downtown-revival idea. They don't necessairly make downtowns more attractive. Stores and signs, that's what does it. When a tree dies - as they always do downtown, always - there's a big grate in the sidewalk with an empty space or a stump.

This I cannot explain.
Avert your eyes, children. Don't point at the poor unfortunate.
Into each town, a little 70s must fall.
Those brick arches and odd windows were all the rage for a while, and have dated poorly like few other architectural designs. Possibly because they're ugly, and seem so sure that they aren't.

Hurrah for perpendicular signage, a downtown's best friend:
More neon next door, too.

I'm sure a place as clean and prosperous-looking as this hides Dark Secrets and Hidden Passions, etc., but which place doesn't?
