I was here years ago - many, many years ago, I realize with a small sigh - to do a story on the town for the paper. A weekend getaway! There wasn’t much to get away to, but it was a nice place. It’s known for something quite important to Minnesotans, but we’ll get to that.
Let's imagine the pride of the man who had this one built. “Well, there it is - the most economical yet handsome commercial building in our fine fair town. I expect it’ll be known for years for its uniqueness, and special, simple perfection."
“Why, surely no other - OH HELL MERRICK NO YOU DIDN’T"
"I told my architect not to sell to that got-damned Merrick"

This one literally seems to be whistling past the graveyard.
Cruel Bucarooism, and what the hell is going on with that little pointy part and peculiar balustrade?
He built it? I guess a man could make a nice living doing simple, illustrative diagrams.

“I can’t get around it, Mr. Neal. The middle wall is a load-bearing wall.”
“Can’t you just bring the bricks forward so the facade is flush?”
Architect falls silent, fumes internally, wondering why didn’t think of that.
“No, sir, would weaken the building. Fatally, I fear.”

No one’s ever seen them without their helmets:
A prime example of an awning uniting two different buildings.

Some buildings just look horribly hung over.
The Delta Rhythm Boys were an American vocal group active for over 50 years from 1934 to 1987.
I mention that because it's in the placeholder copy, and now and then throughout the year you're going to see it, because I forgot to remove it. Our little runing joke.

Look at that lovely little building - a touch of style and grace filtered through the machine-era aesthetic of Art Deco.
Stuck wearing a shingled hat.

“And here’s the Captain of our chapter to explain how we spent too much of the stone budget on the fish fry.”

“Work on that door, Johnson; we’re only hiring hobbits now, and I don’t want them to feel self-conscious when they see a big door.”
Another view:

A banker named F. H. Davis who purchased the Post in 1931 and sold it to father-son B.A. Johnson and M.A. Johnson.
Then in 1937 banker Davis bought the Register from Palmer and sold that also to the Johnsons.
The sales included the newspaper building. If you look at where Blue Earth Graphics is now located, it says "Post - Johnson-Davis" on the building.
Doesn’t explain why both names are chiseled on the front.

That’s it. No bank, no movie theater. But there is a Supervalu - a brand that disappeared from most grocery-story signs decades ago.
But they have the Colossus of Peas. That's what we Minnesotans know, and love.
Drive around; take a look.