A Fargo-sized town of 47 ,000 souls. Well, Fargo when I was growing up.
This is heartening:
"Georgetown has a notable range of Victorian commercial and residential architecture. In 1976, a local historic ordinance was passed to recognize and protect the significance of the historic central business district, and in 1977, the Williamson County Courthouse Historical District, containing some 46 contributing structures, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
"Georgetown is also known as the 'Red Poppy' Capital of Texas for the red poppy (Papaver rhoeas) wildflowers planted throughout the city."
A good omen:
You can tell from the marquee it’s not showing movies, but it's not closed.
The owner put it up for sale in 1989:
Concerned citizens formed the Georgetown Palace Theater, Inc. The group raised enough money to make a down payment and closed on the theatre sale in 1991. The group cleaned and refurbished the theatre in a little over 90 days and it was ready to reopen.

It’s a store now.
This site says: “Original building constructed in 1894. In 1910 it was sold to Farmer's Bank and they added the Neo-classical design to the front of the existing building.”
What better way to set yourself apart and show you had money aplenty? Go Roman! It’s always reassuring

A work in progress, since the signs indicate it’s being refurbished. Online shots (slideshow, no direct link) show it had a metal facade for decades. No surprise there.

Ohhhhh this is uncomfortable
You can’t criticize them for anything, because it’s nice to have the building so beloved and well-maintained, but it’s so off-kilter you have to wince.
One year the town made a Christmas ornament of the building. The site says:
The Mileham Building is one of several Mesker Brothers storefronts in the downtown area. The City of Georgetown is home to one of the largest collection of Mesker storefronts, which incorporate a crest or shell design in the columns and cornice lines.
If you’re curious: The Mesker story.
The Mesker Brothers Iron Works and George L. Mesker & Co. were competing manufacturers and designers of ornamental sheet-metal facades and cast iron storefront components from the 1880s through the mid-twentieth century. The Mesker Brothers Iron Works was based in St. Louis, Missouri, and was operated by brothers Bernard and Frank Mesker.

Another Mesker:
An intact cupola! This town is full of miracles.

Alas, into every life a little OUMB must fall, like an anvil:

I’m going to go out on a limb and say Gee, it’s a Mesker:
This is all nice, isn't it?

Looks to me like it was added on later. Can you tell what the original purpose was? I’m guessing, based on squinting. Haven’t researched yet.
Yep, I’m right. Yay me

Looks like it could be shored up a tad in the middle.
There's a storm coming. Escape!

They really did have a good boom:

After all that, a classical courthouse.

All in all, a lovely little place.
And so friendly!
Have a look around, and give my regards to Georgetown.