It’s the birthplace of Julee Cruise, the chanteuse from Twin Peaks. I seem to remember an interview in which she was less than complimentary of the place; let’s see what’s there.
The Iowana Hotel.
A standard-issue 1920 hotel. The style said “modern!” And also “you probably won’t die in a fire.”
Want to guess what it is now?

There’s something about these streets that suggest the town has been living with a dark, malevolent forces for a long time, and learned to adapt, but they don’t like it. Outsiders are advised to leave, but it’s with an expression of contempt and indifference.

“They were up there all night, ripping off the protection, and I could hear their horrible leathery wings batting against the sides of the building as they worked. Daybreak came, and they scattered. I expect they’ll be back some day."

A hotel AND a movie theater. No sleep for anyone if they’re showing a Transformers film:

TELEPHONE is what it says above the door:
I assume that’s also the phone company next door, with the tell-tale windowless facade.

“Tired. So very tired. Can barely keep my eyes open
Ladies and gentlemen, the very, very rare Buckaroo’d 2nd floor window:

Another rare VNITED STATES carving:
The V for U is a Roman thing, and was probably used infrequently because it confused people.

Good LORD the shingling of America was a wretched idea:
Looks like the ground floor is turning into chickens.

A little ad-hoc work here, you suspect

A good, clean kill:

I’ll bet this fellow was the building owner’s son.

The display cases for “Neighbors Loving Neighbors” is empty, and I’m kinda glad about that
Someone decided that the upper floor should be cleaned up, but the lower floor? Too late.

This would have been modern in a way that surprised the eye; if you were used to heavy rough stone, the cleanliness of this design would have been fresh and pleasing.
Still is.

The elevator, because it’s Iowa.
All in all, it looks dead.