Another two-folder town. For ill or for good? Lots of bad things, then lots of good things? Let’s find out.
Well, that’s a good sign!
Sorry, didn’t intend the pun. But it is!

Standard-issue Commercial style building, but you know, it’s severe enough to be modern construction.
We can still do these. We just don’t want to, most of the time. Towns usually have something in this style, and don’t feel the need for more. But it’s the backbone style of the Main Street.

Why did I take this?
That’s new. Looks old. Could be worse. Glad they tried.

Yee haw saddle up ole Six-String the horse, we’re goin’ to . . .
You know there was a name up there, once. It’s like the conquerors blighting the faces of statues and scouring the carvings of the names of previous rulers.

Yes! Huge pre-war buildings in medium-sized towns are always fascinating. What produced it? What was the purpose? Department store? Office block? Newspaper?
With their gas you always get 26 miles to the gallon.

Takes you a little while to figure out the purpose.
Kudos for that. Parking ramps usually ugly, and this one blends in to the local theme of bland, Midwestern, early-21st century revivalism.

Unique little thing. The architect came up with some novel ways to make the brick interesting and different.
Lots of shrubs; wonder if they lost on-street parking for that.

A gaunt and alert fellow, with his stout and twitchy wife.
The one on the left would be better off without paint, or perhaps a different hue.

The late-70s / early-80s mainstay, the cube of mirrored glass atop a brick base.
They were everywhere, and were usually OUMBs.

The tenant designs progress-bar graphics for computer companies

Applause for using the front windows on the side, to provide continuity. Then it gets a bit lost, with the rectangular windows. Why? Had to be a practical reason.

Okay, class, what can we tell from this?
Very good, it’s two buildings. But it’s the same style, so we know the second building was added by the developer of the first. Probably. But if that’s the case, which was first? The street corner is on the left. Did he have to wait for the corner lot to become available? If he started on the corner, why would the ornate entrance be in the second mid-block structure?

One of those smothered-in-fondant rehabs that covers everything. Makes a strong sturdy building look like a damned shaved poodle.
Okay, that’s phase one. Better next week? Worse? The same? We’ll see.
