Ten thousand souls. Wikipedia: "The land on which part of Cambridge stands was granted to Zaccheus Biggs and Zaccheus Beatty by the government in 1801." So it could've been named Doublezacch, or maybe Biggsenbeatty. Just as well.
First of two visits.
Uh -
That’s one of the most dispirited holiday-time tableaus I’ve seen.

They absolutely had to build the downtown on a hill, I guess
Well, saves on maintenance, I suppose. Don't have to oil it.

Unneeded post-war renovation around the door. Really doesn’t add much.
An interesting building that's become less interesting over time.

Ugh, the Algiers “classy” font
And there are those people again.
Takes you a second, but you find them.
Clancy investigating the town-drunk situation, it seems.
This is some grade-A mutilation here. The upper floor, the drastic and ridiculous 60s awnings.
Come by and take a picture here to make it look as if you have wings made of pizza!
I’m in awe of the strenuous badness here.
Annnnd more people.
A shot from a few years before shows the swank swag lamps.

bsolutely rote civic building.
What’s she looking at?

“You take the left door, I’ll take the right, and we’ll see if we can get upstairs and find out if anyone lives up there, or if it’s just a floor filled with cast-off items no one was sorted through in decades.”

I never remember the reasons for the Great Masonic Schism.
I'm sure the Scots had a reason.
(All is easily googleable, I'm just not particularly interested at the moment.)

A little life goes out of every downtown when they blind a building.
No one’s glad when it happens. 
On Christmas they come to life and stagger up and down Main Street, blank eyes staring sightless into the dark?
Head blurred to protect privacy, of course.

Much better. See how it looks as if there’s life and activity in the building, or at least could be?

For the first time, the Xmas Statuary matches the location. At least for the first time I can detect; if my take is correct - Newsboy in the middle, new construction incorporate the name block of the old newspaper building.
Any more statues next week? Any explanation? Stay tuned.