Says their website: "Adams is a growing community with a current population of 604 residence."
I suppose that's so, if it had 603 last year.
It’s a small place. There’s not a lot. But it’s important to give the tiny towns a salute now and then.
The basement windows make it look as if it’s sinking.
The front of the building is about 1034% uglier than it was when it was first built. Every decision was the wrong one.
For years, I'm sure the KHC was a necessary part of the town, a reassurance, a guarantee: there’s food here, sold by people you know and trust. When strores like this close, small-town lfe is constricted in ways that can never be replaced! Woe until them! Whatever shall they -
Never mind.

When you’re done researching and developing better typefaces, let us know

I don’t think the light-colored brick fills in areas that used to be glassed. Pretty sure it was always like this.

The addition looks almost contemporaneous. And it could be modern.
The ability to arrange brick in this fashion hasn’t deserted us entirely, you know.
Say now, that’s a lot of bank back there.
And a brand new entrance.
It makes the downtown feel as if it’s not dead, not at all. A grocery store and a large bank that’s still in the original HQ, and didn’t decamp to an ugly modern version? That’s a win.

The dreaded blurry picture.
Because that means . . .

A motel? No.
It’s a professional center, mostly medical. Could it have been a motel once? I don’t see why not.
