Says their website: "Moorcroft, Wyoming, population 1009, is located in Northeastern Wyoming on the banks of the Belle Fourche River where the highway crossed the "Old Texas Trail". Moorcroft was the largest shipping point in the United States during the 1890's. Moorcroft is a bustling town historically based in ranching but which now serves the coal and oil industries as well. Here, the culture of the Old West is still evident."

Well, we'll be the judge of that.

Hmm. Sinclair?

Should’ve held my tongue and waited to see what the next picture in the folder might be.

Red, eh? I still think it was a Sinclair.

Other words might apply, to be honest.

Reviews are good, though! One praises the “new laminate” on the floors.

Mauris egestas parturient ex neque nam hac commodo. Cubilia nisl proin dap

If it’s on a corner, with an august appearance . . .

Then of course you know what it is. Or was.



That damned multicolored brick. It was everywhere.

Also in the strange category of “old building, smothered up, or new construction?"

Mauris egestas parturient ex neque nam hac commodo. Cubilia nisl proin dap

Another motel, and I don’t think anyone’s mentioning the new laminate in the reviews

At least it seems to have been a motel, once.

Li’l bit of whee-ha buckaroo here, and no, I don’t think it’s open for milk and bread

Seems small for the “super” appellation.

No, you knock. The place gives me the creeps

Mauris egestas parturient ex neque nam hac commodo. Cubilia nisl proin dap

Shame about that pole looking so nekkid. We ought do something about it.


Planters AND old-tyme public clocks. Twice the downtown reviver-power, right there.

I don’t know what that means

That was a lot. And there's more. Stint not want not, I always say. (Doesn't really mean anything.)