Hey there – Stan! It’s Stan, isn’t it? I’m Hal. The new guy? Sold a washer the other day?
Oh, right. The washer salesman who sold a washer. Look, I’m kinda in a hur –
I’ve been thinking about that customer I sold the washer to. It was my first, so it was kinda special and I want to, you know, get things off on the right foot. The other day she said her wash was still dingy, and I took it kinda personally. Like it was my fault.
Sure, sure, we all care. Now if you’ll – wait a minute, how’d you hear her complain?
Oh I went over.
After you sold the washer? Why? She need some spare belts?
No, she’s just really pretty. Anyway I didn’t go in the house I just overheard her. She was out back hanging up the wash, talking to a neighbor.
And you were . . .
At the front door. I heard her talking, and realized she wouldn’t hear the knock, so I left.
Uh huh. Well, you’re better off trying to sell someone else a washer, pal; she won’t need one for ten years.
I suppose. But then I wouldn’t get the chance to give her this.
What is that? A handkerchief? Oh for God’s sake, Sal, are those her panties?
It blew off the line. And it’s Hal. I figured I’d bring them back but I didn’t know how to explain that. But now this Rinso angle, that’s the ticket.
Yeah, well, I’d drop it if I were you. Forget it and move on and stop snatching panties off the line of your customers, okay?. Look, I gotta go.
See you around, Stan! Good selling! |